Command-Line Interface

The command-line interface provides the following help instructions

cmethods --help

Usage: cmethods [OPTIONS]

  Command line tool to apply bias adjustment procedures to climate data.

Scaling-Based Adjustment Options:
  [all required if --method="linear_scaling" and --method="variance_scaling" and
  --group TEXT                Temporal grouping

Distribution-Based Adjustment Options:
  [all required if --method="quantile_mapping" and
  --quantiles INTEGER         Quantiles to respect

Other options:
  --version                   Show the version and exit.
  --obs, --observations PATH  Reference data set (control period)  [required]
  --simh, --simulated-historical PATH
                            Modeled data set (control period)  [required]
  --simp, --simulated-scenario PATH
                            Modeled data set (scenario period)  [required]
  --method [linear_scaling|variance_scaling|delta_method|quantile_mapping|quantile_delta_mapping]
                            Bias adjustment method to apply  [required]
  --kind [add|mult]           Kind of adjustment  [required]
  --variable TEXT             Variable of interest  [required]
  -o, --output TEXT           Output file name  [required]
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.